
Narnia, fantastical!

“Narnia” is fantastical tale of a magical land beset by the forces of evil—the White Witch and the struggles of righteousness to defend the evil and finally succeeded. It is really a nice story; at least for me, it is really amazing that I can put myself into the story.
I love the so beautiful music of the movie. Especially the part when the Pevensies entered into Narnia, the background music was so soft, light and delighted. Listening to such music made me feel very relaxed. People can image that they sit at wide grassland, closing eyes, listening to bird singing or river running and enjoying every nice around you. How peaceful you can image it is! In the movie, everything was in such a white and quiet world with the light music. Frankly, it is exactly the feeling I have been looking for in my live.
Always, live is busy and tough, and sometimes I am very tired of what is facing me and want escape from the real live. Actually I know I was looking for relax not escaping. Losing myself in such peaceful music, I found what I want. It is that I need to comfort myself when I am struggling. Thanks to it!
Or, somehow, live is like the journey in the movie. Obstacles are there; like that evil is there. People should conquer it instead of being conquered; like that righteousness cannot be beaten by evils. Maybe what you face are not that so called obstacles. They are what live uses to test how people are determined. Like the story in the movie, everything was testing them how they were determinate. The strong in live is the one with great determination. It helps conquer any problem in live. It is also because of great determination that the Pevensies were able to make their task. I’ve got the idea that “Life is tough, but I can be tougher”. Maybe great determination is that make people “tougher”.

1 条评论:

Brad Blackstone 说...

Thank you for the film review!